Sunday, February 1, 2009

Construction Update ... Week one

The tough part about opening a restaurant is being able to see the finished product from the beginning to end. So many pieces must come together for a restaurant to work and so many people are important in making it all happen. As you can see from the photos below, we are starting to get closer and closer to that finished product and it's all because we have a team that compliments each other so well. I will try and get some more pictures of the kitchen up and the new quarry slate tile floors that Chick busted his a$$ all weekend putting in, that is when he wasn't putting in the bathroom tiles and hardwood flooring the dining room.

The burrito looking thing that is smoking in Dave's hand is actually a sage smudge that when burned is supposed to cleanse a space off all negative things left behind. I took a digger running it around the dining room so Dave took it from me to finish the cleanse. Part of our cleanse ritual also involves making crazy faces and lots of yelling as you can see from the photo.

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